Do you accept donations?
Yes we accept donations of bicycles, parts, accessories, as well as monetary donations. These can be brought directly to the Kitchen during business hours, mailed to us at our shop, or if a momentary donation, through Paypal.
What are you business hours?
Currently, our winter hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-4 and 6-8, and Saturdays 10-4. During the summer we have expanded hours, please see info in the sidebar or on our calendar to see those. Come in and say hello to our friendly staff and inquire about expanded hours if you wish to visit during those times!
How can I volunteer at the Kitchen?
Please come to our shop during business hours and chat with a staff member. We encourage volunteers of all ability levels. You don’t need any bicycle repair knowledge or skills whatsoever to help out at the Kitchen. We provide a fun, friendly environment for all ages and types. The Bike Kitchen is ALWAYS on the look out for people with even the most basic bicycle mechanic skills as well as people who are good educators and enjoy sharing their knowledge with others.
I need a bike, can you give me one?
We have a number of programs to provide bicycles to all types of people. We offer free bicycles, bicycles in exchange for volunteering, and bicycles for purchase. Please come visit us or send an e-mail with specific questions to see which of the programs you qualify for. Vouchers for a free bicycle can be sourced from the staff at the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, HRDC, and Love, Inc.
My bike is broken, can you fix it?
We will HELP you fix it yourself! For a nominal fee you can set up at one of our work stations and use our tools to fix your bike. Used parts are available at very reasonable prices. If you cannot afford to pay we will still find a way to get you back on the road – no one turned away due to lack of funds! We are not however a professional bike shop and if you are looking to have a mechanic fix your bike for you we highly recommend ANY of the superb local bike shops in Bozeman.
Can I perform community service at the Bike Kitchen?
We would absolutely love to have you perform your community service hours at the Kitchen. Even if you know nothing about bicycles we’ll find tasks for you to help with. Be sure to let one of our volunteer or paid staffers know you are visiting to complete community service so that they can assist you with any required paperwork you may have before leaving.
Is the Bike Kitchen a non-profit?
Yes, the Bozeman Bike Kitchen was incorporated as a non-profit in 2007 by five socially-minded cyclists living in Bozeman, Montana. Our operations are overseen by a volunteer board of directors and we aim for openness and honesty in our financials and policies. Below you can find directories of all the recorded history of the Board of Directors dating back to our incorporation in 2007, meeting minutes dating back to 2009, and financial reports dating back to 2015.